Are You a Homebuyer in Seattle for the First Time?
First Time Homebuyers in the Seattle Market Beware It's a Home Seller's market as you may know here in 2017. With home prices escalating at a faster rate than anywhere else in the entire US, or at least within the top three most competitive home buying markets nationally, you've absolutely got to have a strategy and all your documents ready to go with a stellar real estate agent-lender team aboard if you're hoping to find and secure anything close to what you have in your head as the perfect house! Luck might play in your favor, but luck is just where preparation and opportunity meet. So there's that. So it's your first home in the Seattle market and you're excited to find something for your family, you and your partner, or just for you, but the road is longer than you may think. And getting longer. From 2013 to 2017 the Seattle home buying market and specifically the [...]